Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Coming through the Dirge

"Across the Gulf Coast, among people who have lost much and suffered much and given to the limit of their power, we are seeing that same spirit: a core of strength that survives all hurt, a faith in God no storm can take away and a powerful American determination to clear the ruins and build better than before... You need to know that our whole nation cares about you, and in the journey ahead you are not alone." President George W. Bush

You are not alone! While individuals displaced by Hurricane Katrina continue to come through the dirge, as our President assured us, you will live to see the second line. However, the great challenge is in getting from here to there and the information contained here is designed to assist you in that process by providing you with resources to pave the way. This information is also available in a brochure format which we would be happy to send to you or anyone else at no charge by simply calling us at 847-844-1100. We also have this and up-to-date additonal information available on our web site at www.administerjustice.org .

Reuniting with Loved Ones: The Red Cross is coordinating efforts through www.katrinasafe.com or you can call 1-877-568-3317. If you are searching for a pet go to www.missingpet.net or call the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1-888-773-6489.

Financial Assistance: Debit Card Assistance Program. If you were displaced as a result of Hurricane Katrina you are eligible for a $2,000 debit card from the federal government by calling 1-800-621-3362. There may be future assistance available including possible 'worker recovery accounts' of up to $5,000. You can monitor the availability of this on www.firstgov.gov

The Individuals and Households Program. This program provides tax-free grant assistance for temporary housing, repairs, replacement, medical, dental, funeral, personal property including vehicles, transportation, moving and storage and some other expenses. To be eligible you must have losses within Katrina's designated federal disaster area, the storm or resulting floods must have caused the loss, you must be a citizen, non-citizen national or qualified alien, and private insurance must not be available to cover the requested loss. You can apply on-line at www.fema.gov or call 1-800-621-3362. You will need your social security number, a description of your losses that were caused by the disaster, insurance information, directions to your damaged property and a telephone number where you can be contacted. Your application will be acted on within 10 days and you may call FEMA to follow-up.

SBA Loans. The SBA provides loans of up to $200,000 for real estate, $40,000 for personal property and $1,500,000 for businesses. A Disaster Assistance Application Form is available at www.sba.gov

Banks and 401(k)s. The FDIC is waiving penalties on early withdraws of CD's and other time deposits. The IRS is waiving penalties of any withdraw from 401(k)s and similar employer benefit plans.

Tax Assistance. Affected taxpayers in a Presidential Disaster Area have the option of claiming disaster-related casualty losses on their federal income tax return for either this year or last year. Claiming the loss on an original or amended return for last year will get the taxpayer an earlier refund; alternatively, waiting to claim the loss on this year's return could result in a greater tax saving, depending on other income factors. This includes major damage to a home if insurance or other reimbursements are not available. Losses on business or other rental property also may qualify. If you have not filed a return you have been granted a penalty free extension to January 3, 2006. If you need a copy of a prior tax return the IRS is waiving the normal fee for this and expediting such request if you write the words "Hurricane Katrina" in red at the top of Form 4506 which is available at www.irs.gov When filing you will not need to claim as income any grants from state programs, charitable organizations or employers. To file an amended tax return you will need to complete a Form 1040-X. For other tax assistance call 1-866-562-5227 or in northern Illinois call Administer Justice at 847-844-1100 and our volunteer CPA's or attorneys will be happy to assist.

Unemployment Insurance. If you are unemployed through no fault of your own you may be eligible for benefits. Information is available on-line at www.workforcesecurity.doleta.gov In Alabama call 1-866-234-5382, Louisiana call 1-866-783-5567 or Mississippi call 1-888-844-3577.

Employment. If you had a business you have been granted an extension on all payroll deposits and tax filings through January 3, 2006. If you are seeking employment visit www.jobsearch.org/katrinajobs for a comprehensive listing of jobs. If you are an employer able to hire someone displaced by Katrina you can post this availability here as well.

Food and Shelter. The Red Cross is coordinating major food and shelter relief efforts as well as emergency financial assistance through www.redcross.org or by calling 1-800-975-7585. Food Stamps and other assistance is available by calling 1-888-312-4567. The Treasury Department has temporarily suspended income limitations and non-transient requirements for all low-income housing projects and those are available to evacuees. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has established a housing hotline to assist with vouchers, loans and other information. Call 1-888-297-8685. Finally there are housing grants available through www.grants.gov/housing Also several individuals and area churches have homes or apartments available for use by evacuees and if you are looking for a place or have a place available please contact Administer Justice at help@administerjustice.org

Social Security. Help is available from the Social Security Administration, www.ssa.gov or 1-800-772-1213, in expediting delivery of checks delayed by the disaster and in applying for Social Security disability and survivor benefits.

Bank Account Information. For information about accessing your bank accounts, lost records, ATM cards, direct deposits or how to reach your bank, contact the FDIC at 1-877-275-3342 or visit the FDIC on-line at www.fdic.gov Your money is safe. Safe Deposit boxes, however, are not federally insured and you should contact your bank to see if your box was affected. Contact your bank to replace any checks or cards as well.

Postal Service. To change your address and receive mail service visit a local post office or go online at https//moversguide.usps.com.

Replace Your Vital Documents. Driver's licenses or State ID Cards. These are the most commonly used cards for proof of identity. To replace in Alabama call 1-866-283-2838, Louisiana call 1-877-368-5463 and in Mississippi call 1-601-987-1212.

Social Security Card. You will need another form of identification to replace. Call 1-800-772-1213.

Medicare Card. To replace go to www.s044a90.ssa.gov/apps6a/IMRC/main.html

Credit Cards. Contact your credit card company. For American Express call 1-800-992-3404, Discover call 1-800-347-2683, MasterCard call 1-800-622-7747, and for Visa call 1-800-847-2911. You should also order a free copy of your credit report to make certain all cards are replaced and that you are not a victim of identity theft. You can obtain this by calling 1-877-322-8228 or on-line at www.AnnualCreditReport.com

Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates. These are handled by state department of vital records. However, for a central listing go to www.cdc.gov/nchs/howto/w2w/w2welcom.htm

Other Documents. Federal Civilian Personnel records may be obtained at www.archives.gov/st-louis/katrina.html ; Immigration Documents may be obtained through following instructions and guidance at http://uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/neworleans/aboutus.htm ; Medical Information Form. You can download a voluntary and temporary record that lists medical care and other health information to help individuals providing care at www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/hurricanes/katrina/kiwy.asp ; Military Records may be obtained from www.archives.gov/st-louis/katrina.html ; Passports may be replaced by going to http://travel.state.gov/passport/lost/us/us_848.html ; and lost or destroyed Savings Bonds may be cashed or replaced by going to www.publicdebt.treas.gov/sav/sbfaqcs2.htm

Debt Payments. Regulators are asking banks to be understanding during this time of crisis. You should contact your creditor to renegotiate a payment plan. If you need financial counseling HOPE Coalition America offers free assistance and a helpful "Emergency Financial First Aid Kit" on their website at www.operationhope.org or call 1-888-388-4673. In Northern Illinois Administer Justice has free financial counselors available to meet with you by calling 847-844-1100.

Property/Flood Insurance. If you cannot locate your insurance call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-427-4661. You should give notice to your insurance company, preferably in writing, immediately. This notice should include your name and address, location of loss, date and time of loss, your contact information and a brief description of the loss. You should try to obtain copies of any police or fire reports that may be available and take photos of the loss.

Legal Assistance. The American Bar Association is coordinating free legal assistance for those in need. In Alabama call 1-800-354-6154, Louisiana call 1-800-310-7029, Mississippi call 1-866-255-4495 and in northern Illinois call Administer Justice at 847-844-1100 and one of our 50 volunteer attorneys will be happy to assist you.

Going Home. When returning to your home after a hurricane it is important to take certain precautions. You should find out if authorities have declared the area safe; watch for debris in the road while driving; return to your pre-determined assembly point and/or contact your pre-established out-of-area contact person and let others know your status; make sure the main electrical switch to your home is off before entering the structure; be careful when entering; if you suspect a gas leak, leave immediately and notify the gas company; contact authorities to find out if sewage lines are intact; report utility damage to authorities; and continue to monitor up-to-date information on the radio or television.

This homecoming may be painful. There is no complete answer to the why's of injustice. In the midst of pain, I pray you may be reminded "of a hope beyond all pain and death, of a God who welcomes the lost to a house not made with hands." President Bush. Someday we will go home to a better house not made with hands, a mansion prepared especially for us that will never be destroyed. Until that day when we can join in a "second line" jubilant celebration, we pray you may experience a measure of peace while going through the dirge.

Posted by Bruce D. Strom, an attorney and Executive Director of Administer Justice a faith-based charitable non-profit organization providing low-income legal, financial and conflict resolution services. Its mission is to Administer Justice through a comprehensive program of educational outreach, legal assistance, financial counseling and conflict resolution services, to empower the powerless, give hope to the hopeless, and show mercy and compassion to those in need. If you would like assistance please contact us!

201 Penny Ave., Ste. 420
East Dundee, Illinois 60118
(847) 844-1100